Results for 'Joanna Stjernschantz Forsberg'

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  1.  19
    Why participating in (certain) scientific research is a moral duty.Joanna Stjernschantz Forsberg, Mats G. Hansson & Stefan Eriksson - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):325-328.
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    Comments on the Role of Consent and Individual Autonomy in the PIP Breast Implant Scandal.Joanna Stjernschantz Forsberg - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (2):223-226.
    The featured case discussion on the role of consent and individual autonomy in the PIP breast implant scandal raises interesting and important questions regarding the right of patients (and individuals in general) to decide whether to have their personal data included in medical registries and used for research. The fate of the National Breast Implant Registry, following the introduction of a policy that demanded formally recorded informed consent, is particularly enlightening. Combined with the (ex post) fact that reliable and comprehensive (...)
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    Comments on the Role of Consent and Individual Autonomy in the PIP Breast Implant Scandal.J. Stjernschantz Forsberg - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (2):223-226.
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    Why participating in scientific research is a moral duty.Joanna Forsberg, Mats Hansson & Stefan Eriksson - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):325-328.
    Our starting point in this article is the debate between John Harris and Iain Brassington on whether or not there is a duty to take part in scientific research. We consider the arguments that have been put forward based on fairness and a duty to rescue, and suggest an alternative justification grounded in a hypothetical agreement: that is, because effective healthcare cannot be taken for granted, but requires continuous medical research, and nobody knows what kind of healthcare they will need, (...)
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    The case for a duty to research: not yet proven.Iain Brassington - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (5):329-330.
    In this commentary on ‘Why participating in scientific research is a moral duty’, I take issue with a number of Stjernschantz Forsberg et al's claims. Though abiding by the terms of a contract might be obligatory, this won't show that those terms themselves indicate a duty—even allowing that there's a contract to begin with. Meanwhile, though we might have reasons to participate, not all reasons are moral reasons, and the paper does not establish that the reasons here are (...)
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    What makes a medical intervention invasive?Gabriel De Marco, Jannieke Simons, Lisa Forsberg & Thomas Douglas - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (4):226-233.
    The classification of medical interventions as either invasive or non-invasive is commonly regarded to be morally important. On the most commonly endorsed account of invasiveness, a medical intervention is invasive if and only if it involves either breaking the skin (‘incision’) or inserting an object into the body (‘insertion’). Building on recent discussions of the concept of invasiveness, we show that this standard account fails to capture three aspects of existing usage of the concept of invasiveness in relation to medical (...)
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  7. How to Use AI Ethically for Ethical Decision-Making.Joanna Demaree-Cotton, Brian D. Earp & Julian Savulescu - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (7):1-3.
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  8. Bioethics, Experimental Approaches.Jonathan Lewis, Joanna Demaree-Cotton & Brian Earp - 2017 - In Mortimer Sellers & Stephan Kirste (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy. Springer. pp. 279-286.
    This entry summarizes an emerging subdiscipline of both empirical bioethics and experimental philosophy (“x-phi”) which has variously been referred to as experimental philosophical bioethics, experimental bioethics, or simply “bioxphi”. Like empirical bioethics, bioxphi uses data-driven research methods to capture what various stakeholders think (feel, judge, etc.) about moral issues of relevance to bioethics. However, like its other parent discipline of x-phi, bioxphi tends to favor experiment-based designs drawn from the cognitive sciences – including psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral economics – to (...)
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    Temporal connectives and verbal tenses as processing instructions.Cristina Grisot & Joanna Blochowiak - 2017 - Pragmatics and Cognition 24 (3):404-440.
    In this paper, we aim to enhance our understanding about the processing of implicit and explicit temporal chronological relations by investigating the roles of temporal connectives and verbal tenses, separately and in interaction. In particular, we investigate how two temporal connectives (ensuiteandpuis, both meaning ‘then’) and two verbal tenses expressing past time (the simple and compound past) act as processing instructions for chronological relations in French. Theoretical studies have suggested that the simple past encodes the instruction to relate events sequentially, (...)
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    Mieczysław Wallis – historyk sztuki czy filozof?Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak - forthcoming - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:191-210.
    The paper presents a scientific profile of Mieczysław Wallis in the perspective of the question of his intellectual status. The author looks for the answer within two areas that were the subject of Wallis’ interest: philosophy and history of art. She analyses the path of Wallis’ intellectual development and the formation of his creative interests: from his education (in Heidelberg and Warsaw) and inspirations, through his first intellectual concerns, to an analysis of his scientific output. In his youth, Wallis wrote (...)
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    Communication aimed at engendering trustworthiness: An analysis of CSR messages on Twitter.Ewelina Zarzycka, Joanna Krasodomska, Dorota Dobija, Wojciech Grabowski & Dariusz Jemielniak - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 33 (3):363-379.
    A growing body of research is exploring corporate communication in relation to corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities on social media (SM). Nonetheless, while these studies have shown that SM communication may be an effective tool for reaching and engaging various stakeholders, how the design of corporate CSR communication engenders trustworthiness has yet to be examined. To address this gap, we suggest that SM communication may include important signals related to trust; thus, we investigate whether companies use sources of trustworthiness (reputation, (...)
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    The philosophy of environmental emotions: grief, hope, and beyond.Ondřej Beran, Laura Candiotto, Niklas Forsberg, Antony Fredriksson & David Rozen (eds.) - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume presents new philosophical perspectives on environmental emotions. It explores the motivating nature of emotions such as anger, grief, and hope in relation to the current climate crisis. Many of our emotional responses to the climate crisis take a distressed form like anxiety, despair, or grief. However, these emotions almost always coexist with hope, drive toward action, or a strengthened sense of relationality and belonging. This book explores the different levels at which these tensions take place. Part 1 discusses (...)
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    Rasiowa-Sikorski proof system for the non-Fregean sentential logic SCI.Joanna Golinska-Pilarek - 2007 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 17 (4):509–517.
    The non-Fregean logic SCI is obtained from the classical sentential calculus by adding a new identity connective = and axioms which say ?a = ß' means ?a is identical to ß'. We present complete and sound proof system for SCI in the style of Rasiowa-Sikorski. It provides a natural deduction-style method of reasoning for the non-Fregean sentential logic SCI.
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    Readability and Clarity of Individual Pension Product Contracts.Milena Hadryan & Joanna Rutecka-Góra - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (4):1749-1777.
    The study analyses the readability and clarity of economic specialised texts on supplementary individual pensions. The research includes agreements on individual pension products available on the Polish market at the beginning of 2017. The level of comprehensibility of language has been assessed using the “Jasnopis” application, based, among others, on the FOG index, while the structure of the content of the agreements has been assessed by an expert linguist (the expert linguist is one of the authors of this and a (...)
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    Samotność dziecka żydowskiego w Zagładzie na materiale słuchowisk i reportaży radiowych z lat 1950–2021.Joanna Bachura-Wojtasik - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 65 (2):247-267.
    Celem artykułu jest deskrypcja sytuacji dziecka żydowskiego w Holokauście. Materiał badawczy stanowiły dla mnie słuchowiska i reportaże radiowe z lat 1950–2021 odnalezione w archiwach trzech rozgłośni radiowych: Polskie Radio w Warszawie (tu: Studio Reportażu i Dokumentu PR oraz Teatr Polskiego Radia), Polskie Radio Lublin i Polskie Radio Łódź. Do jego opracowania została wykorzystana metoda jakościowej analizy zawartości.
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    Deconstructing service in libraries: intersections of identities and expectations.Veronica Arellano Douglas & Joanna Gadsby (eds.) - 2020 - Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books.
    Offers a historical-cultural context for the ethos of service in libraries and critically examines this professional value as it intersects with gender, sexuality, race and ethnicity, class, and (dis)ability"--Provided by publisher.
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  17. The neurological basis of moral psychology.Guy Kahane & Joanna Demaree-Cotton - 2018 - In Aaron Zimmerman, Karen Jones & Mark Timmons (eds.), Routledge Handbook on Moral Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
  18.  14
    A Mystery of Grzegorczyk’s Logic of Descriptions.Joanna Golińska-Pilarek & Taneli Huuskonen - 2018 - In Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska & Ángel Garrido (eds.), The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present. Cham, Switzerland: Springer- Birkhauser,. pp. 731-745.
    In 2011, Andrzej Grzegorczyk formulated Logic of Descriptions, a new logical system in which the classical equivalence has been replaced with the descriptive equivalence. Two sentences are descriptively equivalent whenever they describe the same state of affairs. Grzegorczyk’s logic LD is built from the ground up by revising the axioms of classical propositional logic and rejecting those that do not correspond to the intended interpretation of the descriptive equivalence as the connective expressing equimeaning relations between sentences. Grzegorczyk’s last paper, which (...)
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    Health, interests, and equality.David Hershenov & Rose Joanna Hershenov - 2017 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 38 (5):417-419.
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    Number of non-Fregean sentential logics that have adequate models.Joanna Golińska-Pilarek - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (5):439–443.
    We show that there are continuum many different non-Fregean sentential logics that have adequate models. The proof is based on the construction of a special class of models of the power of the continuum.
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  21.  63
    Relational dual tableaux for interval temporal logics.David Bresolin, Joanna Golinska-Pilarek & Ewa Orlowska - 2006 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 16 (3-4):251–277.
    Interval temporal logics provide both an insight into a nature of time and a framework for temporal reasoning in various areas of computer science. In this paper we present sound and complete relational proof systems in the style of dual tableaux for relational logics associated with modal logics of temporal intervals and we prove that the systems enable us to verify validity and entailment of these temporal logics. We show how to incorporate in the systems various relations between intervals and/or (...)
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  22.  14
    Bertrand Russell: w poszukiwaniu dobra.Joanna Górnicka‑Kalinowska - 2022 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:471-481.
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    Sumienie polityczne i jego naturalne granice.Joanna Górnicka-Kalinowska - 2021 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:247-257.
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    A new deduction system for deciding validity in modal logic K.Joanna Golinska-Pilarek, Emilio Munoz Velasco & Angel Mora - 2011 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 19 (2): 425-434.
    A new deduction system for deciding validity for the minimal decidable normal modal logic K is presented in this article. Modal logics could be very helpful in modelling dynamic and reactive systems such as bio-inspired systems and process algebras. In fact, recently the Connectionist Modal Logics has been presented, which combines the strengths of modal logics and neural networks. Thus, modal logic K is the basis for these approaches. Soundness, completeness and the fact that the system itself is a decision (...)
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  25.  18
    Dual tableau for monoidal triangular norm logic MTL.Joanna Golinska-Pilarek & Ewa Orlowska - 2011 - Fuzzy Sets and Systems 162 (1):39–52.
    Monoidal triangular norm logic MTL is the logic of left-continuous triangular norms. In the paper we present a relational formalization of the logic MTL and then we introduce relational dual tableau that can be used for verification of validity of MTL-formulas. We prove soundness and completeness of the system.
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    Filozofia w Polsce po reformie – szanse i wyzwania.Joanna Golińska-Pilarek - 2020 - Ruch Filozoficzny 76 (1):251.
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    On Decidability of a Logic for Order of Magnitude Qualitative Reasoning with Bidirectional Negligibility.Joanna Golinska-Pilarek - 2012 - In Luis Farinas del Cerro, Andreas Herzig & Jerome Mengin (eds.), Logics in Artificial Intelligence. Springer. pp. 255--266.
    Qualitative Reasoning (QR) is an area of research within Artificial Intelligence that automates reasoning and problem solving about the physical world. QR research aims to deal with representation and reasoning about continuous aspects of entities without the kind of precise quantitative information needed by conventional numerical analysis techniques. Order-of-magnitude Reasoning (OMR) is an approach in QR concerned with the analysis of physical systems in terms of relative magnitudes. In this paper we consider the logic OMR_N for order-of-magnitude reasoning with the (...)
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  28. O nieostrości i niewyraźności.Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2005 - Ruch Filozoficzny 2 (2).
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    Dealing with Conflict1.Joanna Santa Barbara - 2008 - In Neil Arya & Joanna Santa Barbara (eds.), Peace through health: how health professionals can work for a less violent world. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press.
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    Evaluation of Peace through Health Initiatives.Joanna Santa Barbara - 2008 - In Neil Arya & Joanna Santa Barbara (eds.), Peace through health: how health professionals can work for a less violent world. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press.
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  31. Henryk Elzenberg a szkoła lwowsko-warszawska. Złożoność wzajemnych relacji.Joanna Zegzuła-Nowak - 2011 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 56.
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  32. James Conant in Conversation with Niklas Forsberg, Part 2.Niklas Forsberg & James Conant - 2016 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 5 (1).
    This is part 2 och an interview with Prof. J. Conant, conducted by Niklas Forsberg. This article will be published at the end of June 2016.
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    Inheriting Wittgenstein: James Conant in Conversation with Niklas Forsberg, Part 2.Niklas Forsberg & James Conant - 2018 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 7 (2):111-193.
    This is part 2 of an interview with Prof. J. Conant, conducted by Niklas Forsberg.
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  34. Interview. From Positivist Rabbi to Resolute Reader: James Conant in Conversation with Niklas Forsberg, Part 1.Niklas Forsberg & James Conant - 2013 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 2 (1):131-160.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nordic Wittgenstein Review Jahrgang: 2 Heft: 1 Seiten: 131-160.
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    This chapter will discuss the issues likely to provoke future wars and the fomenting and “permissive factors” that increase their probabil-ity. It will examine possible changes in the means of waging wars, the impact of future wars on health, and some factors that constrain wars and offer alternatives. This rather dark prognosis is sketched in the hope that, looking ahead, we will develop more enlightened policies to change this trajectory. [REVIEW]Joanna Santa Barbara - 2008 - In Neil Arya & Joanna Santa Barbara (eds.), Peace through health: how health professionals can work for a less violent world. Sterling, VA: Kumarian Press.
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    Language lost and found: on Iris Murdoch and the limits of philosophical discourse.Niklas Forsberg - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Pub. Plc.
    Language Lost and Found takes as its starting-point Iris Murdoch's claim that "we have suffered a general loss of concepts." By means of a thorough reading of Iris Murdoch's philosophy in the light of this difficulty, it offers a detailed examination of the problem of linguistic community and the roots of the thought that some philosophical problems arise due to our having lost the sense of our own language. But it is also a call for a radical reconsideration of how (...)
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    Wspomnienie - Joanna Jabłkowska.Joanna Jabłkowska - 2011 - Etyka 44:106-109.
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  38. What is Criminal Rehabilitation?Lisa Forsberg & Thomas Douglas - 2020 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 1:doi: 10.1007/s11572-020-09547-4.
    It is often said that the institutions of criminal justice ought or—perhaps more often—ought not to rehabilitate criminal offenders. But the term ‘criminal rehabilitation’ is often used without being explicitly defined, and in ways that are consistent with widely divergent conceptions. In this paper, we present a taxonomy that distinguishes, and explains the relationships between, different conceptions of criminal rehabilitation. Our taxonomy distinguishes conceptions of criminal rehabilitation on the basis of (i) the aims or ends of the putatively rehabilitative measure, (...)
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  39. Working with Research Integrity—Guidance for Research Performing Organisations: The Bonn PRINTEGER Statement.Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Frank O. Anthun, Sharon Bailey, Giles Birchley, Henriette Bout, Carlo Casonato, Gloria González Fuster, Bert Heinrichs, Serge Horbach, Ingrid Skjæggestad Jacobsen, Jacques Janssen, Matthias Kaiser, Inge Lerouge, Barend van der Meulen, Sarah de Rijcke, Thomas Saretzki, Margit Sutrop, Marta Tazewell, Krista Varantola, Knut Jørgen Vie, Hub Zwart & Mira Zöller - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (4):1023-1034.
    This document presents the Bonn PRINTEGER Consensus Statement: Working with Research Integrity—Guidance for research performing organisations. The aim of the statement is to complement existing instruments by focusing specifically on institutional responsibilities for strengthening integrity. It takes into account the daily challenges and organisational contexts of most researchers. The statement intends to make research integrity challenges recognisable from the work-floor perspective, providing concrete advice on organisational measures to strengthen integrity. The statement, which was concluded February 7th 2018, provides guidance on (...)
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    In Hindsight: An Essay Concerning My Limited Moral Understanding.Niklas Forsberg - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (2):383-404.
    This article explores one central assumption that is guiding large portions of contemporary (analytic) moral philosophy: the idea that moral philosophy has to be forward-looking and action-guiding. By paying attention to a number of examples, it is argued that this guiding assumption flies in the face of important aspects of actual moral life. Moral situations are not (always) of the nature that we can plan for them, and reason about them in advance. Rather, the moral reality, or the moral contexts, (...)
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  41.  54
    The Categorical and the Everyday: On Coetzee, Murdoch, and Cavell and the Presence of Philosophy in Novels.Niklas Forsberg - 2015 - Philosophy and Literature 39 (1A):66-82.
    “Not with that!” I shout. The hammer lies cradled in the Colonel’s folded arms. “You would not use a hammer on a beast, not on a beast!” In a terrible surge of rage I turn on the sergeant and hurl him from me. Godlike strength is mine. In a minute it will pass: let me use it while it lasts! “Look!” I shout. I point to the four prisoners who lie docilely on the earth, their lips to the pole, their (...)
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  42.  28
    Anti-Libidinal Interventions in Sex Offenders: Medical or Correctional?Lisa Forsberg & Thomas Douglas - 2017 - Medical Law Review 24 (4):453-473.
    Sex offenders are sometimes offered or required to undergo pharmacological interventions intended to diminish their sex drive (anti-libidinal interventions or ALIs). In this paper, we argue that much of the debate regarding the moral permissibility of ALIs has been founded on an inaccurate assumption regarding their intended purpose—namely, that ALIs are intended solely to realise medical purposes, not correctional goals. This assumption has made it plausible to assert that ALIs may only permissibly be administered to offenders with their valid consent, (...)
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    Standardisation in the Field of Nanotechnology: Some Issues of Legitimacy.Ellen-Marie Forsberg - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (4):719-739.
    Nanotechnology will allegedly have a revolutionary impact in a wide range of fields, but has also created novel concerns about health, safety and the environment (HSE). Nanotechnology regulation has nevertheless lagged behind nanotechnology development. In 2004 the International Organization for Standardization established a technical committee for producing nanotechnology standards for terminology, measurements, HSE issues and product specifications. These standards are meant to play a role in nanotechnology development, as well as in national and international nanotechnology regulation, and will therefore have (...)
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    ELSA and RRI – Editorial.Ellen-Marie Forsberg - 2015 - Life Sciences, Society and Policy 11 (1):1-3.
    This editorial presents the background for the article collection ‘ELSA and RRI’. It sets the stage for the topics discussed in the collection and briefly presents the different contributions. It concludes by opening up for continued discussion of the relations between ELSA and RRI.
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    Is RRI a new R&I logic? A reflection from an integrated RRI project.Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Erik Thorstensen, Flávia Dias Casagrande, Torhild Holthe, Liv Halvorsrud, Anne Lund & Evi Zouganeli - 2021 - Journal of Responsible Technology 5:100007.
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    The Ethical Matrix—A Tool for Ethical Assessments of Biotechnology.Ellen-Marie Forsberg - 2004 - Global Bioethics 17 (1):167-172.
    An ethical matrix is a method—or tool—for carrying out an ethical assessment of technology and policy options. This paper describes the ethical matrix method and applies it to the example of GM rape seed. It is argued that added public legitimacy is achieved when the matrix method is used in a participatory process.
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    Inspiring Respect for Animals Through the Law? Current Development in the Norwegian Animal Welfare Legislation.Ellen-Marie Forsberg - 2011 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24 (4):351-366.
    Over the last years, Norway has revised its animal welfare legislation. As of January 1, 2010, the Animal Protection Act of 1974 was replaced by a new Animal Welfare Act. This paper describes the developments in the normative structures from the old to the new act, as well as the main traits of the corresponding implementation and governance system. In the Animal Protection Act, the basic animal ethics principles were to avoid suffering, treat animals well, and consider their natural needs (...)
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    (1 other version)From self-reliance to that which relies: Emerson and critique as self-criticism.Niklas Forsberg - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-10.
    How is one to navigate between a thinking grounded in the individual and a claim for communality? In Emerson, this kind of difficulty comes into view in familiar sentences such as Speak your latent conviction, and it shall be the universal sense.’ How does the relationship between the personal and the universal look and function? In this paper, it is argued that Emerson may bring us clarity regarding the difficulties we are facing when it comes to questions about how we (...)
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    Thinking About a Word—Love, for Example.Niklas Forsberg - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (1-2):30-46.
    What is it we do when we philosophize about a word? How are we to act as we ask the philosophical question par excellence, “What is …?” These questions are addressed here with particular focus on Troy Jollimore's Love's Vision and contemporary theories of love. Jollimore's rationalist account of love, based on a specific understanding of “reasons for love,” illustrates a particular philosophical mistake: When we think about a word, we are prone to believe that even though “the sense of (...)
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    Rationality and allocating scarce medical resources.Ralph P. Forsberg - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (1):25-42.
    In an article titled, "Who Shall Live When Not All Can?", James Childress proposes a system for allocating scarce lifesaving medical resources based on random selection procedures. Childress writes of random selection procedures, [They] "cannot be dismissed as a ‘non-rational’ and ‘non-human’... without an inquiry into the reasons, including human values which might justify it." My thesis is that once we concentrate on determining the rationality of random selection procedures, we will see that Childress's claim that we cannot dismiss such (...)
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